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Business method for optimizing product development investments
[Viewed 1041 times]
A business method and decision model for evaluating the relative potential of product development initiatives to build brand value by optimizing customer experience and competitive advantage while enabling more efficient development resource allocation and mitigating commercialization risks.
Financial informationOutright sale preferred, but license with royalty may be considered.
Patented method, branded as Strategic Harmony(R), has been successfully implemented at market-leading companies including Hewlett-Packard, Charles Schwab, Intuit, Logitech, Motorola, Symantec (now Broadcom), VeriSign, and Time Warner Cable. PwC, one of the world's largest professional services firms, has also used this method in collaboration with me in advising their clients. More information about the method and decision support software tool can be found at
I previously licensed the patent to a leading software vendor in the enterprise portfolio management space for integration into their flagship application. After five years in that royalty-producing arrangement, I terminated that relationship when the licensee underwent management changes, and I subsequently confirmed that my IP was completely removed from their software. To replace and update that software, I recently had End-to-End Analytics (now part of Accenture) rebuild the software that I originally developed myself on Microsoft’s Excel platform.
Other IP associated with the invention includes the Strategic Harmony(R) trademark, Strategic Harmony Partners website (www.strat-harmony.com), and the following copyrights: VAu001261640, TX0006065823, VA0001267126, VA0001294267, VA0001267125, TX0007465715, TX0007466090, and TX0007465719.
Any number of B2B software companies or consulting organizations who work in the areas of innovation, product development or design, or brand strategy can find real value in this proven, battle-tested IP, whether that be in the method or software tool or both.
Regarding potential infringers, this patent has been cited by US patent examiners 43 times as prior art in the Patent Office's consideration of other patent applications -- demonstrating ongoing significant interest in components of business methods such as this one.
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