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Effective and Timesaving Toothbrush

[Category : - Brushware]
[Viewed 774 times]

There are two toothbrush inventions in this patent.

An advantage of the invention of the first toothbrush is its novel positioning of its bristles. The direction of the bristles is always perpendicular to the surface of teeth to clean. The perpendicular direction of the bristles improves effectiveness of teeth cleaning.

Another advantage of the first toothbrush is that it can clean certain surfaces more effectively. For the inner front teeth surface, this toothbrush is more effective than conventional brushes in cleaning the surfaces due to its dual-head design and shape. This toothbrush saves brushing time by cleaning both sides of teeth at the same time.

An advantage of the invention of the second toothbrush is its novel positioning of the base of bristles. The direction of the bristles is always perpendicular to the inner and vertical surface of molar tooth. No other type of toothbrush can clean this surface of teeth effectively.

Financial information

This idea for toothbrush is intended for businesses that can manufacture the product or put it into wholesale.

What I am looking for is an outright sale for the asking price within this listing.

Or an alternative is a down payment of $99,750 (which is 1/4 of the asking price) in return for 50% of the patent right if the patent is successful. In case the patent is unsuccessful, I will return $24,500.

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