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[Category : - SOFTWARES- BUSINESS METHODS- Ordering and selling methods]
[Viewed 2072 times]

Asking Price for Patent Portfolio: $5.95M

This is a portfolio of 3 patents that protect the process of real estate offer terms being submitted, by either agents or buyers themselves, on a platform that receives property listing data from MLSs, which is how all major home search portals, real estate brokerages and marketplaces receive their listing data.

The real estate industry is moving rapidly toward online digital transaction marketplace environments. With the offer stage of the transaction being the most integral, the patents can provide control of the end-to-end digital real estate transaction process.

Also, given recent rulings in commission based lawsuits and others still to come, it appears the the traditional real estate commission structure will be upended. This will likely result in fewer buyers having agent representation, which will lead to prominent search portals and brokerages moving to facilitate the submission of offer terms on their platforms from buyers' agents and/or buyers themselves, to listing agents.

*The seller pioneered the online offer submission, negotiation and management process for the real estate industry. They have the most complete, most intuitive and most utilized software in this space. The seller is also agreeable to discuss the sale of the technology along with the patent portfolio.

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