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Biological Agents Rapid Detector, COVID-19 Rapid Detection Device

[Category : - HEALTH]
[Viewed 734 times]

The SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Detection Device design ensures that No sample containing objects with viral particle size (~100 nm) can give a False Negative result. This will make this device perfect for prompt and massive screening. Moreover, the device can target other types of viruses other than SARS-CoV-2, which can be utilized for other disease screening.
The new design is able to rapidly detect viral particles using Electric Current Spectrum (ECS testing), including the detection of SARS-CoV-2 virions. The following information explains more in this regard:
1. The design of the detector was applied to the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO).
2. Essential part of the design was recently published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. (URL: Link). Also the design was reviewed and accepted to be developed by an electronic designing company and prepared a work plan for the development.
3. The design strategy allows the ECS testing to serve as a “COVID-19 Initial Test Gate”, that is provide for SARS-CoV-19 rapid detection exactly without potential False Negative results. This means that only positive results for the rapid ECS testing is required to proceed for PCR test, and negative results from ECS testing will need NO further testing. This will effectively help in fighting the pandemic and reduce the time and cost of COVID-19 diagnosis.
4. The design is simple and cost effective, the device cost will be in the range of a few hundred USDs, and the test consumables will cost no more than a few USDs.
Technology Short Description:
The intrinsic idea of the detection system is to account for the amount of collided (scattered) low-energy electrons from air samples contents, where the impurities (sub-micro particles) will increase the number of scattered electrons depending on the geometry and material of these impurities, hence reflecting the characteristics of samples contents (impurities). The ratchet potential system will characterize the current of electrons by delaying the collided electrons, forming an electric current spectrum (ECS) indicating the existence of SARS-CoV-2 viral particles.
The detection methodology of the new version is based on producing two different ECS for the same sample, the first ECS belong to the sample after 100 nm filtration, and the second after 150 nm filtration, and the difference in the ECS that increase with time means that some impurities with dimensions in the range (100-150 nm) are existed, i.e. indication for SARS-CoV-2 existence (typical diameter ~125 nm).
The basic ECS test device consists of the followings:
1- Ratchet potential device;
2- Alternating current circuit (AC generator, diode, and capacitor);
3- Filtration and guidance channels, including physical and electric polarization filters;
4- Electric current analyzer (current amplifier and oscilloscope); and
5- Valves.

Alternatives and Comparison:
Several R&D groups and institutions are currently working on the development of SARS-CoV-2 Laser detection system (RAMAN technique), by comparing with the ECS testing technique, one can mention the followings:
1- Detection efficiency and accuracy: the detection efficiency and accuracy of electrons (using electron amplification system) are greater than for laser photons.
2- Interaction probability (cross-section): the laser photon (wavelength >200 nm) interaction probability with matter (viral particles) is very low compared to that for electron interaction with such particles.
3- Cost-effective and Robustness: Usually light (laser) sources and their apparatus are more costly and fragile.
Then, the adoption of ECS testing will increase the detection accuracy without any false negative potentials, in addition to other advantages compared to the Laser technique, such as cost, mobility, durability, etc..

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