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Wireless Inner Ear Speaker and Inner Ear Speaker Charging Case
[Category : - DESIGN PATENTS]
[Viewed 825 times]
Inner Ear Speaker:
I currently have two design(s) one is a wireless inner ear speaker and the other is a wireless charging case. Perfect for anyone but created specifically for a need to those who train or workout,
I created my design to help those who have experienced their current ear phones fall out when they run or sweat. These were designed to solve a problem seen time and again.
Mine is set apart by the user knowing that while sweating during rigorous activities the Inner Ear Speaker will stay in place.
Inner Ear Speaker Charging Case:
The charging case is designed for comfortability while being carried as the case fits comfortably in the users hand. Due to no sharp corners it is easily stored when not in use.
Here are the control number(s)
Inner Ear Speaker(s):
Inner Ear Speaker Charging Case:
Patent publications:No publication
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