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Futuristic Safe Injection System- 2020 for COVID-19 Vaccination
[Category : - HEALTH]
[Viewed 1379 times]
While the entire humanity is cursed to fight with horrible global pandemic of COVID-19 and is putting herculean efforts in developing effective vaccine to curb the menace, we can’t ignore the fact that mass vaccination of vast global population essentially requires at least equal or greater number of safe, user-friendly, non-reusable, ergonomic syringes as the number of dosage to effectively prevent reuses of syringes at any cost. The reuse of dirty syringes is one of the most alarming drawback associated with the conventional syringes, which claims millions of lives every year. Besides, the Needle-Stick Injuries (NSI), the aspiration and injection of correct dosage, disposal of huge amount of medical waste thereby generated etc. etc. are also the matter of great concerns, which need to be addressed effectively.
Our promising, disruptive and cutting-edge “Packaging-cum-Injection” technology completely replaces the need of packaging medicament in vials, ampoules etc. It provides a safe, rapid, low cost and hassle-free injection system with reusable injector, saves invaluable human-hours involved in normal injection procedure by avoiding several time consuming steps such as aspiration of correct dosage of medicament in conventional syringe from container to syringe, setting the correct dose, elimination of air bubble etc. etc.; completely avoids reuse of dirty needles, contamination of medicament during transfer, wastage of costly injectables etc. It cuts approximately 70% of hazardous bio-medical waste generated due to disposable syringes and also saves approximately 60-70% raw material used in manufacturing of such syringes and drug-containers. Besides, it also saves significant amount of storage, transport, distribution as well as the burden of care and carriage on health workers as this technology requires merely to carry couple of re-usable injectors and the pack of intended numbers of pre-filled drug-cartridges for mass vaccination. It is compatible with WHO’s standards and guidelines.
Financial informationThe statistics reveals that more than 2.5 billion syringes were used in 2010 worldwide which are forecasted to grow by 10% annually. Potential market of syringes is expected to increase from USD 10.56 billion in 2016 to USD 15.99 billion in 2021 at a growth rate of 8.7%. Several governments across the world have started adopting legislation that restricts the frequency of needle-stick injuries (NSIs). WHO’s Global Health Initiative for Needle Safety is urging countries to transition by 2020 to the exclusive use of the new “smart” syringes. Increasing adoption of safety syringes, increasing demand for vaccines, high prevalence of chronic diseases and increased awareness as well as the requirements of safety syringes are bound to expand enormously the market of safety syringes worldwide. Despite all market constraints i.e. costs, procurement structure etc. will be negated by our technology to effectively meet the rising global demands.
Futuristic Safe Injection System-2020 is a versatile, sustainable, inclusive and strategic innovative solution. The low-cost smart innovative packaging technology will exponentially increase the domestic as well as export avenues due to its high reachability, affordability, sustainability and safety assurance. The smart packaging of injectable drugs in fixed dosage in our Drug-Cartridges will do a value addition to the finished products, which will strategically enhance the commercial as well as export prospectus of the product worldwide by enhancing huge revenues, reputation, goodwill, and ultimately the brand value.
Our technology is a far smarter and the best fit innovative answer to $500 million ‘Pharma glass project’ President Donald Trump has just launched with eventual investment of $4 billion for product and brand differentiation. Theirs entire focus is on just packaging material. On the contrary, Futuristic Safe Injection System-2020 is virtually a smart packaging technology for injectable drugs, which can change the ‘packaging paradigm’ to create visible product differentiation to protect the turf for the Brand.
On August 11th, 2017, the Engineering Export Promotion Council of India (EEPC India) has strongly endorsed our technology in following words: “India's ‘Futuristic Safe Injection System-2020’, is ready for industrial commercialization. WHO’s Global Health Initiative for Needle Safety is urging countries to transition by 2020 to the exclusive use of the new “smart” syringes. The ‘Make in India’ breakthrough can potentially make India become sole exporter of this smart indigenous technology to meet the domestic and international demands.”
On the occasion of World Hepatitis Day-2017, the Consortium for Affordable Medical Technologies (CAMTech) of Massachusetts General Hospital Global Health (MGH) has also endorsed our technology as effective solution to reduce risk of needle stick Injuries.
Our invention is a a game changer and a breakthrough solution to ensure access to democratic, sustainable and inclusive healthcare to meet the commitment of World Health Organisation’s Global Health Initiative to phase out unsafe syringes; for timely, efficient and effective achievement of Sustainable Development Goals and effective achieving of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) to fight grave challenges of healthcare sector’s contribution to Climate-Change.
We, the inventors of ‘Futuristic Safe Injection System-2020’ patented in USA, UK, CHINA, & SOUTH AFRICA (pending in Japan & India), are pleased to bring to your kind notice that we have decided to grant a FREE OF COST EXCLUSIVE LICENCE within the jurisdiction of SOUTH AFRICA for making, using, selling and offering for sale (manufacturing and commercialisation) of the said invention initially for 5 (five) years (further extendable until life of the patent) to effectively & extensively support the COVID-19 VACCINATION and to cater all other ongoing healthcare programs/ general healthcare needs of public in South Africa in order to pay our sincere heartfelt tribute to our Mentor & Inventor Dr. (Mrs.) Neelam Rathore, who unfortunately left for her heavenly abode during the pandemic on 15.04.2020.
Asking price:
Above 1 million USD
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