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[Category : - Headwear- HEALTH- Life-saving; Fire-fighting]
[Viewed 1133 times]

The Covid Kit is a folded mask, and small hand sanitizer packet in a plastic sleeve the size of a credit card.

It allows the user to always have a sanitary mask nearby in there wallet, purse, backpack. This allows the peace of mind of always knowing you have a mask if you forget. It also keeps the mask sanitary, where users often take ones out of their pocket crinkled, dirty, and covered in germs.

It is better than existing mask because of the ease of use, and the sanitary nature of always having a packaged mask in your wallet, purse, backpack.

There is nothing similar on the market, and a patent has been filed.

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Sale, or licensing with royalties.

I had a professional valuation done if interested.

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