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Bicycle monitoring device
[Category : - Biking]
[Viewed 824 times]
A bicycle monitoring device (1) capable of transmission of information relevant to the bicycle monitoring device's location and including an energy supply, identification means, transmission means and an antenna. The bicycle monitoring device may be incorporated into a frame (20) of a bicycle using said frame as an antenna and may additionally receive information. Com munication and transmission of data on movement to relevant parties via a secure and verified system process for commercial, emergency and other purposes is performed so that an equivalent mass of carbon dioxide can be computed, for example for use in a carbon trading scheme. The bicycle monitoring device (1) may also function using solar energy.
This is an innovative invention that will help solve the potential issue of bicycle theft.
Financial informationWe are looking to enter into a partnership, outright sale or licence with royalties arrangement with a relevant commercial company for the sale, further development and marketing of this device.
We feel that it has enormous potential commercial impact in the use of bicycles by the general population.
Bicycle use is increasing throughout the world as populations aim to work towards a greener planet.
The device may also be used by governments and employers to encourage and create incentives for individuals to reduce their personal carbon emissions.
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