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The sports helmet Covid protective face shield and sleeve

[Category : - Football]
[Viewed 779 times]

Sports helmets such as those used in the game of football do nothing to prevent the transmission of germs, between players, from occurring during a game or practice.

The helmet germ and virus protective gear provides a solution to this problem(s) by basically creating a barrier that prevents germs and virus from entering a players helmet. How does it work? It works by using a face shield and two protective pieces of material (Cloth) to create a germ and virus barrier around a helmet. This is done through the use of a face shield that runs the length and width of a helmets entire face-mask, or from the highest exposed part of an athletes forehead down to their chin area depending upon the length of an athletes face-mask. The face shield, which is made out of a durable transparent plastic or other strong transparent material, easily attaches to a helmets face-mask. The face shield has a vented area cut out that runs from an individual’s nostril area down to their chin area that gets covered by a removable virus and germ protective material that allows air to flow through the material but not germs or viruses. This product also comes with a cloth sleeve (skirt), that affixes around the bottom of the helmet and face shield, via Velcro or other method, that also allows air to flow into and out of the helmet through this material but not germs or viruses. This skirt and face shield allow for air to flow into and out of the helmet area at a much greater capacity for an athlete than what wearing a mask would allow. This allows for an athlete to perform at a very high level while being protected from germs and viruses.
This product does little to nothing to change the way an athlete puts on and takes off their helmet.

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