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Individual isolation of ventilation and distancing method

[Category : - HEALTH]
[Viewed 726 times]

The invention aims to prevent individuals from spread of viruses and respiratory diseases such as Covid 19. The idea of the invention is to create a personal respiration zone ,Minimizing the possibility of contamination of individuals even when they are at close distance.
The method comprises personal ventilation system and device.
The method can be used for personal uses such as healthcare professionals , aircrafts cabin crew, other uses such as infected or potentially infected individuals, vulnerable individuals whose duties make them in contact with other individuals.
The method can be used for large number of individuals gathering in the same location, such as in hospitals, aircrafts, transportation, etc.
It can help return of most economical, social, activities and especially air flights to operate with maximum safety and protection of individuals.
There is no similar method available or applied so far.

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This invention aims to prevent individuals from spread of viruses such as Covid 19, the idea is ready for manufacture step ,and potentially has a large demand from different sectors, such as hospitals, Airlines companies. And at a personal level it helps protect individuals when they are in gathering locations, or even ,to isolate infected or potentially infected individuals, by isolation of their respiration function.
The method is filed with USPTO, provisional patent application, number 62/705,256 , and has patent pending status.
The invention Still not marketed.

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