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Two-factor-authentication method without wifi/cellular connection
[Category : - Indentification and payment methods]
[Viewed 936 times]
Two-step-verification (also known as two-factor-authentication) is a method of confirming a user's claimed identity by repeating back a code that was sent to them over text, phone call or email. This method is mostly used with a one-time password (OTP) or code received by the user’s smartphone. These days, this method is commonly used to login into many sites such as online banking or other secure sites. It is also used for real time financial transactions such as credit cards and fund transfers.
The patent offered here for sale (US8205793B2) was granted in 2012. It covers cases when two-factor-authentication method is used in places where there is no internet or cellular connection and without any additional hardware. Granted claims are mainly about the algorithm installation process that generates matching off-line authentication codes.
The patent is partially infringed by “Google Authenticator” offline mechanism. But there are few other companies that provide off-line authentication solutions. Such as Duo (Duo is now a part of Cisco), Authlite, Saaspass and others.
Asking price: $95,000.
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