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Extreme Transmission Ratio Efficient Mechanism
[Viewed 1473 times]
A totally new Speed Increaser/Reducer,
the transmission ratio of which can take values from 1:10 up to 1:1,000,000*,
in a SINGLE STAGE** and with an efficiency greater than 90%.
For more usual transmission ratio, for example 1:1,000, the efficiency is greater than 95%.
* In order to realize the impressiveness of this ratio, one can consider an equivalent wedge with a width increasing (y) of 1 mm for a length (x) of 1 km:
- in speed reduction case, one can move this wedge by 1 km in one direction (x) and the result at the other end (in vertical direction to the previous one) is its displacement (y) by just 1 mm.
- in speed increasing case, the ratio must be much smaller, depending on the construction quality; for a speed increasing ratio of 1:1,000, for example, one can move this wedge by 1 mm in one direction (y) and the result at the other end (in vertical direction to the previous one) is its displacement (x) by 1 m, using one more mechanical trick to overpower the HUGE apparent moment of inertia, and the most strong point of this situation is that in the case of the equivalent wedge one has to stop this movement in order to rearrange the wedge at an incremental step and restart from this point, while in the case of this Mechanism its smooth rotary motion is continuous forever.
** Between input shaft and output shaft just ONE moving part is interposed, so the number of all moving parts is just THREE.
All these three moving parts have a constant velocity rotation around parallel axes, without oscillation or even backlash and with the minimum possible friction.
The engagement of all moving parts is of surface or linear frictionless contact type, so they can transmit any required amount of torque/power by just defining the necessary width of the cooperating areas of the moving parts.
There is no any machine elements pair like a worm and crown one; however, there are only TWO non-standard machine elements, the manufacturing of which is very easy, anyway.
Most important of the potential applications are:
- Wind Turbines,
- Very slow Stirling/Thermal Engines (eg: 1 RPM),
- Inertial Batteries (with MILLIONS TIMES GREATER INERTIA than the one of a classic flywheel with the same mass/weight) and
- Mechanical compressor (kompressor) air supercharger for ICEs or oxygen supercharger for Fuel Cells (eg: 500,000 RPM).
There are, also, two special applications where:
- the "slow" Input shaft, itself, is the rotor of an electric motor (or generator) and then the "fast" Output shaft runs at a very high speed (eg: 100,000 RPM), or
- the "fast" Input shaft, itself, is the rotor of an electric motor (or generator) and then the "slow" Output shaft runs at a very low speed (eg: 1 RPM).
Being a Speed Reducer, this Mechanism has THREE only moving parts instead of the much greater number of moving parts of the Speed Reducers currently in use, even of planetary type, for the same transmission ratio.
For the Speed Increaser case, actually, THERE IS NO COMPETITION, since the only two slightly comparable configurations currently in use are far away from the perfection of this Mechanism: the worm and crown pair has too much friction to operate as an Speed Increaser and the differential winch can operate only within very narrow power limits or for finite stroke.
Financial informationHaving THREE only moving parts any implementation of this invention has much lower cost for construction and maintenance comparing with any other similar product.
For speed reduction, a construction with materials and manufacturing of medium level quality will easily give ratios of the level of: 1:1,000,000.
For speed increasing there is the need of materials and manufacturing of high or top level quality and for ratios of the level of: 1:1,000 there is the need of moreover special features, such as special coatings, as well as one more mechanical engineering improvement/trick.
However, the most important issue is that adding TWO more moving parts it is very easy to transmit power from the propeller shaft of a wind turbine to the shaft of a generator on the top (or even on the base) of the stationary tower of the wind turbine, INDEPENDENTLY (KINEMATICALLY & DYNAMICALLY) of the rotation of the nacelle.
This invention is (still) free of any obligation.
We are looking for a company for a collaboration or a license selling or another form of partnership.
The Starting Price of 1,000,000 EUR corresponds to the 50% of Rights for All Countries of Protection.
Currently there is an Offer: 100,000 USD for the 50% of Rights for USA only.
The aforementioned Prices could be negotiated, depending on the Market Potential of the prospective Buyer.
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