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JBracket space saving solutions

[Viewed 1132 times]

in this day and age our personal spaces are shrinking to the degree where we haven`t got space for anything other than cooking,eating and sleeping.
This space saving solution is designed to be erected and taken down in SECONDS.
the uses for this simple design are multiple, for example:
work station/bench
desk, extra work top in a restaurant kitchen,seat,outside table, shelf in a potting shed,bench for inside or outside of a builders van, endless !
Inside, outside, in your delivery van, in your garden ,in your shed,
height,width,depth and work top is entirely up to the user.
the top could be wood, MDF, steel, or plastic.
All of the above from FOUR pieces.weighing 3.5 kg and weight tested to 300 KG.
Patent pending status.(Application number 2000360.4 )
presentation boards and power point presentations
photos, all available on request.
world wide patent search reveals no other product like it.
prototypes made. and available. to see feel and assemble.
Technical bit.
vertical section:
mild steel 300mm x 40mm x 40mm
Horizontal section:
LM25 Aluminium casting, 400mm x 42mm x 42mm heat treated for extra strength.
no legs, pneumatic strut or any other support structures under unit. (a benefit to wheel chairs users.)
Because of its unique design it as the capability to be sold across the world. and because of it`s simplicity there would be little or no hoops to jump through when selling the unit.
based on my initial research, the product could be produced ( including packaging,and powder coating ) for around £32.00 per unit. and I envisage a selling price of £65.00-£85.00 .
You might thing that sound high for essentially a bracket, but the cost of the items it could replace using one unit far out way the stand alone products I.E.
work bench £120.00
computer desk £110.00
garden bench £160.00
kayak storage unit £80.00
table in a shed £75.00
The items listed above have a total value of £645.00. how many times in a year would those units above be used in the average household ? two maybe three times a year ?
the J Bracket will do all those for a fraction of the cost with just one unit. AND when you are finished doing what you need to do , you dis-assemble and your space is returned so no bench etc. cluttering your home,garage, shed or garden.
With global warming and the threat of flooding, the studs could be on the wall in a garage or shed. If flooding is imminent, slip the j bracket on the wall, add your work surface and place your valuable items on the top to save water damage.
I have invested a lot of money so far and a lot of time but i now feel it is ready for everyone to use.
please contact me for further information.

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