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Child Seat Device for a Child and Stroller

[Category : - Baby products]
[Viewed 1646 times]

The invention relates to a child seat device for a child for aligning the spinal column of the child and for preventing and treating a spinal column curvature of the child (scoliosis), comprising an upper seat part and a lower seat part, wherein the upper seat part is provided with a supporting element on both sides, which supporting elements are designed and arranged relative to the upper seat part in such a way that, when a child is sitting on the child seat, the supporting elements surround the upper body of the child at the armpit level and thus limit lateral movements of the child, and wherein the child seat device is part of a child car seat or stroller.

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In 2012, Dr. Serdyuk registered his first Child seat device patent in USA ( US Patent no. 2015075539). Today, this product has been registered more than 8 countries in the world. (per attachment 5 ).
Since then , Dr. Serdyuk worked out the invention ”Child seat device for a child and stroller to align the child`s spine and prevent development of spinal curvature (Scoliosis)”. This invention relates to a child seat device or so-called traction seat, which pulls the body of a patient slightly upwards and straightens it.

The invention relates to a child seat device for a child for aligning the spinal column of the child and for preventing and treating a spinal column curvature of the child (scoliosis), comprising an upper seat part and a lower seat part, wherein the upper seat part is provided with a supporting element on both sides, which supporting elements are designed and arranged relative to the upper seat part in such a way that, when a child is sitting on the child seat, the supporting elements surround the upper body of the child at the armpit level and thus limit lateral movements of the child, and wherein the child seat device is part of a child car seat or stroller.

As a result, we achieve aligning of the spinal column curvature (scoliosis) and its early treatment in infants Stage. However, this products has never been applied by world car seat / stroller manufacturer(s). There is no similar product(s) exist in the market as well.

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