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[Category : - HEALTH]
[Viewed 1057 times]

The key themes related to this device are summarized below and will be in your requested attached presentation. We are currently looking for Investors, buyers or partners to commercialize this invention and would appreciate the opportunity to discuss seriously your investment of less than 11,87M USD with your company.

-the product is a patented device, which is easy to manufacture and should be used for all babies who are just starting to sit (6 months- 2 years) to prevent spine curvature and assure healthy spine and back into adulthood; the device may b? used not only in the stroller but as a car seat.
– the product is patent protected in all the major markets (Europe, USA, Australia, China, Japan, Korea, India)
– the inlay is based on the concept that the inherent asymmetrical functioning of two brain hemispheres can lead to spine curvature (scoliosis). This asymmetry is “memorised” by the brain and results in various forms of spine curvature and future back problems. However, by using our very simple stroller inlay, this “wrong” position can be re-wired in the brain and the new reflex can be created, thus ensuring that the spine and the back muscles develop in a healthy and correct way
– the concept of the inlay is that in addition to the 5 point belt system, the child is also supported in the upper body, with elements surrounding the child from the back to the front on the level of the armpits
– the product is originally developed by Professor Serdyuk, who has treated patients with spine curvature for many years. In addition to testing the device in the Ukraine over many years, the device has been tested in Germany by a well known children doctor with very strong results (the improvement in muscle tonus of over 50%, and even stronger improvement 6 months after the end of the inlay usage). This proves the idea that the inlay should be used as a preventative measure to ensure future symmetrical development of back muscles and spine
– the inlay can be produced on its own or integrated into the existing belts system and we believe it should be marketed to all the children who are beginning to sit in the stroller. Also we would like to offer to your attention patented method of treatment of squint eyed children. The idea of such a treatment lays in the fact that squint position of eyes as well as short sight are caused by rotational pressure of cervical spine. Using suggested to you baby seat device correct all parts of spine, including cervical one and thus provide prophylaxis of squint in children.
There are millions of such children around the world and thus using our invention we achieve both prophylaxis of scoliosis and consequently squint. We can give this method of treatment of squint eyed children to you as bonus if you will buy all patents for our inlay. More than 7000 squint eyed children in Odessa city Ukraine have been treated by us with help of this method.

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