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[Category : - SOFTWARES- Computers and computer accessories - Telecommunications]
[Viewed 1161 times]

An improved method of clustering wireless sensor networks includes selecting cluster heads in the network based on a score calculated for each node. The score is calculated based on one or more predetermined criteria of each node and determines which node is selected as a cluster head among one or more nodes in the vicinity of each other. As a result, the score of each cluster head node at the time of its selection is higher than or the same as its cluster node members. Moreover, the cluster heads may be selected such that they are not located in close proximity to each other and are fairly distributed in the environment. The duration of this decentralized clustering process is finite and predetermined and does not depend on the number of nodes and the size of the network.

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This invention can be used in many fields, such as IoT applications, mobile phones, sensor networks, and other wireless networks.

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