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Spike Assist- I.V. Bag Safety/waste Prevention

[Category : - HEALTH- Life-saving; Fire-fighting]
[Viewed 1000 times]

The patent pending Spike Assist is designed with nurses and pharmacy personnel in mind, while saving money by preventing waste. The patented design allows for easier spiking by requiring less force, since there is less pressure on the bag. With this principle, accidental side-punctures disappear, which saves money from throwing away costly IV bags. More stability in spiking also has the potential to lower infection rates from miss-spikes. The hard plastic also prevents staff injury from needle sticks or spike punctures, which could stop exposure to drugs and blood borne pathogens, and preventing a visit to the occupational medicine office. This inexpensive device is cost saving, while simultaneously increasing patient safety and worker safety. Place one on each IV bag spike site, and a second one on each medicine inject port in the pharmacy, and watch waste cost melt away.

The first thing you will notice is that the Spike Assist is small, lightweight, and highly visible for emergency situations, where speed is critical. The inner foam tape allows for great adhesion without compressing the spike port.

Easily applied, just above the ports, the Spike Assist can be clamped above both the injection port and the IV tubing port.

Once clamped, the device should not come off to prevent cross patient contamination. The inexpensive plastic design makes the device disposable, and easily replaceable instead of dealing with harsh cleaning chemicals.

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I am looking for either a sale of this patent pending device, or would be willing to license with royalties to the right company/buyer.

The market potential is every hospital, Veterinary office, and other home-healthcare business in the United States, I have also secured the right to international patents to ensure world-wide usage of this cost saving and safety device.

The Business attached is HMJ Medical LLC, and the website for more information is

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