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[Category : - PET PRODUCTS]
[Viewed 1251 times]
Depending on the size of the pet and the depth of fur, it is possible to bring as much as one-pound of fleas, insect eggs, dead skin, dirt, lawn chemicals, bacteria, parasites, and sidewalk feces and urine into your home from your pet as well as other animal and wild animals such as coyotes that frequent the area. Your home is the receptacle for all this unhealthy disease-carrying material unless you STOP IT before it find its way in.
The only safe method to eliminate this potential health risk is to use the CleanApet™ roller before the pet enters the home. Then wash the roller with very warm water to remove the debris. If your dog sheds, it will pick up any dead hair as well as the debris.
Only removing excess fur that has shed does not eliminate the unhealthy debris! Brushing pet with a comb just loosens some of the debris but does not remove it!
There are many sticky-sheet rollers for pets, but none will lift the fur enough to remove all the possible debris when the pet comes inside from playing, going potty, mixing with other animals, digging, or rolling around. The CleanApet™ roller is 100% unique and solves a significant problem and improves the health of the pet and family by not subjecting them to all those extraneous possible disease carriers.
1. Improves skin circulation
2. Removes dead skin
3. Removes microscopic debris and bacteria by massaging the skin
4. More efficient in removing eggs, mites, fleas, and ticks
Financial informationLooking for outright sale. This is perfect for Infomercial and can be produced for pennies. Any animal with hair will benefit from this product.
cleanapet.com web address is available
Patent publications:No publication
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