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Green Logistics System - Method of use in Logistics Management

[Viewed 1965 times]

An universal and reusable RFID system comprises an universal and reusable RFID reader, an universal and reusable RFID data carrier, a universal and reusable RFID neutral tag, a RFID neutral tag equipped collapsible and reusable pallet and a RFID neutral tag equipped collapsible and reusable box. In various embodiments, the universal and reusable RFID system is used for data collection, data comparison, data confirmation and data combination under all conditions in the supply chain and logistics management. A “bank-like” system is further used for all components of the universal and reusable RFID system to be efficiently supplied for use and collected for further application.

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Open to sale, licensing with royalties, or partnership.
Has never been previously sold or marketed.
Can be used in all supply chains.

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