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ALFA 1 Fuel less Power Generating System

[Viewed 1331 times]

The current invention is an Alfa 1 fuel less power generator is a radical departure from the present day forms of power generating systems, because, it is an absolute departure from the present form of power generating systems we know today. All together fuel less in nature, that operated as stand alone system, or self sustained, requiring no external support of Sun, Wind, Fossil fuel, Hydro power system, and battery to charge as do inverters or any form of hydro carbon. The ALFA 1 Fuel-less Power generating system, uses a reciprocating system, but this time around, the system is not powered by any fuel but permanent magnets(Repulsive force as fuel) having a repelling force of 120 kg, which are repelling each other whenever they come close to each other.

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This patent is for outright sales, this is the first time this patent will be listed for sale online since its publication.
It is a magnet/Gravity power generator, a unique fuel less power generator, using the technology of customized magnets mounted on an aluminum stator which repel each other so powerfully to spin a shaft connected to an alternator at 3600rpm. The gravity device assist as in reciprocating system, returning the magnets to its starting point, and the cycle continues again and again. Videos and details of this generator can be seen on our website Link

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