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[Category : - Heating & Cooling- Motors]
[Viewed 1148 times]

A gas-turbine-cycle modification has been proposed, optimized primarily for (district) heating purposes, with a side-effect of obtaining gas-turbine exhaust gas at very low temperatures and potentially GHG-emission-free. Since its primary purpose is district heating without power generation, the associated gas-turbine-cycle equipment (compressors, turbines, heat exchangers) is typically arranged so that a maximum possible ratio of heat output and heat input is achieved. Whenever the heat ratio is greater than unity, that is, greater than 100% of the heat input, the exhaust gas temperature at the last gas-turbine exit is lower than atmospheric temperature. In other words, this means that it is possible to achieve greater heat output (or GT-cycle “waste heat”) than the heat input, at the “expense” of the cold GT exhaust gas (its internal energy).rnrnIt is possible to arrange proposed GT-cycle modification in various configurations, such as: simple GT cycle, recuperated, intercooled, intercooled-recuperated, reheat-recuperated and intercooled-reheat-recuperated GT cycle. Maximum achievable ratio of heat output and heat input is estimated to about 1.15 (115%) and corresponding minimum GT exhaust gas temperature can be lower than the CO2 solidification temperature at atmospheric pressure (-78°C or 195 K or -108.4°F). This also means that the GT exhaust-gas stream could be entirely GHG emission-free, without GHG-s like H2O and/or CO2, which could therefore be captured and sequestered in solid state, and in addition at very low refrigerating temperature. Such low-temperature GT exhaust gas could then be used for refrigeration purposes, or ultimately to refrigerate the Earth’s atmosphere and thus mitigate global-warming effects.rnrnThe proposed GT-cycle heating system can operate also in the combined heating/cooling and power (CCHP) mode or in the stand-alone power generation mode using a combined-cycle configuration. In such operating modes/regimes, the heating part of the CHP system could still maintain its inherent advantages (achievement of the ratio of heat output and heat input greater than unity, potentially GHG-emission-free GT exhaust gas at refrigerating temperature levels), with CC thermal efficiencies only slightly lower than today’s typical values and with the CHP performance similar or better than modern GTCC or steam-turbine based CHP cycles."rn rn
The proposed concept belongs to the field of district heating and/or cooling or to the combined heat and power (CHP) or to the combined cooling, heat and power (CCHP) field, using gas-turbine power plants. It is similar to existing heating-power stations for district heating/cooling, but with significantly higher ratio of heat output to heat input (for district heating) and with possibility to solidify and sequester H2O and CO2 from the exhaust gas. The concept is different from existing heating-power stations for district heating/cooling (typically using steam turbine based systems) both in configuration (since it uses also a low-temperature gas turbine) and in effectiveness, since it enables achieving of significantly higher ratio of heat output to heat input (for district heating), with possibility to solidify and sequester H2O and CO2 from the exhaust gas, thus obtaining an entirely GHG-emission-free exhaust gas at very low temperature (refrigerating level). Most likely interested users/buyers would be large power and heating/refrigeration equipment manufacturers and large to medium utilities (utility companies).
The idea/concept was first introduced by myself in the form of presentation, on November 15th, 2010, as well as published, at the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition in Vancouver, Canada. rnrnI made a corresponding provisional utility patent application (patent pending status) with US Patent and Trademark Office of the concept. The corresponding USPTO provisional patent application number: 62/722453, and the date of application: August 24th, 2018. This provisional patent application allows an inventor to file a corresponding classic/normal non-provisional patent application during a 12-month period, until August 23, 2019. This period also holds for drawing the patent claims, which have not yet been formulated in this provisional patent application.
Branko Stankovic

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