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[Category : - OTHER- Telecommunications- Security and alarms]
[Viewed 1676 times]

The cloud-hosted, SaaS-based, monitoring solution, in the Internet of Things, utilizes wireless gateways, multi-hop wireless sensors and threat detecting networks, including modular sensor devices, smart plugs and portable sensor devices, and low power sub-sensor devices. A determination is made to alert responders when a sensed value is either (1) greater than a predetermined upper threshold value plus the upper fluctuation buffer value, or (2) less than a predetermined lower threshold value less the lower fluctuation buffer value or when a condition wireless sensor detects an unacceptable condition.
The monitoring solution also enables related devices such as beacons, alarms, security lights and water pumps when threats are detected.

Financial information

Looking to sell the portfolio or license it with royalities

Extent of 2019 claim infringement is ~ $5B
by products marketed by 11 infringing companies

There are 27 forward citations

The Cloud-hosted, Enterprise SaaS/PaaS based wireless Internet of Things sensor monitoring and alert notification solution, based on the patent claims, is available for sale.

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