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pvAirClean - solar charged air filter system

[Category : - HEALTH]
[Viewed 1100 times]

pvAirClean(tm) aka REES – Rare Earth Element System™ - Solar powered portable air cleaner Utility Claims – October 7, 2016rnRobert Ross Rees, Jr.rnrn1 – By using a photo voltaic (solar panel) to power the fan and LED array eliminates using electricity from the grid.rnrn2 – By using a removable and recyclable micro fiber filter element reduces landfill/trash.rnrn3 - By using a removable and recyclable micro fiber filter element and establishing a regional/local collection points allows for the collection of possible trace elements which could be used for industrial purposes.rnrn4 – By using a near UV/UV LED in the interior of the REES – Rare Earth Element System ™ creates ozone (O3) to kill germs.rnrn5 – By using a replaceable aluminum exhaust grid breaks down/attracts the ozone (O3) and allows for the oxidized aluminum to be used for industrial purposes.rn

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