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[Viewed 1481 times]

The present invention provides a wheelchair transfer handrail for use in connection with a wheelchair and a door striker on a vehicle pillar. The invention includes a clamp assembly connected to the wheelchair, and a handrail tube extending from the clamp assembly to the door striker. THE WHEELCHAIR TRANSFER HANDRAIL

To Whom It May Concern,

Transferring a person between a wheelchair and a vehicle is a difficult maneuver for many disabled persons and their caregivers. The difficulty is particularly astounding for persons and caregivers new to wheelchair use and are not yet familiar with safe wheelchair practices. An example of this unfamiliarity would be a patient leaving a hospital with a new disability requiring the use of a wheelchair. In wheelchair transference between the chair and a vehicle, there is a moment where the person is between the wheelchair and the vehicle without available or reliable support. When transferring, the individual in the wheelchair will grab the vehicle door, which moves and is unreliable and unstable, to support themselves in the transfer. When the individual stands up from the wheelchair and relies on the door for support, there is no guarantee that the door cannot swing away causing imbalance and injury to that person. In the event that someone would fall between the wheelchair and the vehicle door, the wheelchair brakes must be released and the wheelchair moved back in order for the caretaker to aid the person that has fallen. If the caretaker is elderly or simply unable to help the fallen individual, emergency aid must be summoned and time is critical. The Wheelchair Transfer Handrail eliminates the possibility of a moving vehicle door, and it makes the process from a wheelchair to the vehicle a reliable and safe process.
Our simple telescopic transfer handrail between the wheelchair and vehicle will provide all the assistance needed to enable a safe transfer. The Wheelchair Transfer Handrail can be quickly deployed when needed. When not in use, the transfer handrail can be retracted and compactly stored on the wheelchair or removed completely. There is no more grabbing the side of the vehicle or unstable door in the transfer process. To use, simply position the wheelchair for transfer and set the brakes. Loosen the large twist ring on the end of the telescoping pole and extend it out to attach to the vehicle door striker by means of the snap hook on the end of the transfer rail. Once the transfer handrail is in place, tighten the large twist ring to secure the transfer handrail in place. The physical transfer begins as the disabled person stands up, turns to the side, and moves slowly to the vehicle while holding on to the secure rail. While still holding on to the handrail, the person turns back to face the wheelchair and lowers his or her self to the vehicle seat. The individual may then release his or her hand because they have completed a safe transfer from the wheelchair to a vehicle. The caregiver can then un-snap the snap hook to release and retract the telescoping handrail back into the transport mode. A safe and reliable patient transfer is our main objective.

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