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New Fastener designs- Demand validated, concept proven-5 countries

[Category : - Construction Processes & Equipment]
[Viewed 1964 times]

We offer high performance fasteners with the following features:
a. Locking teeth
b. Resists loosening
c. Resists breaking
d. Resists leaking

We also offer the “First and Only” self-leveling fastener on the market that can easily be installed at a 20 degree off angle, increasing range of use and correcting applicator error.

We have strong patent protection (55+ claims) in 5 countries including: United States, Canada, Malaysia, Singapore and China. US patents are listed. We are open to sell all of our patents.

Financial information

The global industrial fasteners market size is expected to reach USD 101.05 billion by 2025, according to a new
report by Grand View Research, Inc. It is projected to register a CAGR of 3.9% over the forecast period.
Increasing mechanization and industrialization globally, demand numerous machinery and equipment, which is
expected to propel the growth over the projected period.

We are open to consider your best offer.

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