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Cozy Corral

[Category : - PET PRODUCTS]
[Viewed 1351 times]

Cozy Corral is a pet feeding system capable of storing multiple feeding bowls in specific location in a home. Using the corral with independent bowls for feeding cats, dogs, and other pets, to alleviate anxiety and nervousness in pets and owners.

The system has a base with removable sides and bowls. This allows for cleaning and/or decorative accessory changes. The accessories come in bowl selections, designer corral colors and patterns.

By using the corral system, animals no longer can see each other during feedings. This eliminates behaviors regarding feeding time.

Financial information

In researching various food designs, and being a pet owner myself, it became apparent no other system can offer this.

Cost for some feeding systems range from $7.99 to 24.99.
There are respectfully 13,798 stores selling pet items. To the right purchaser it would bring in millions in the units alone not including the accessories.

Our system should come in between sale price of $17.99-$24.99 and the accessories is an additional added income. People love to change things out for holidays and seasons. Additional bowl types and corrals will offer this to them.

This is a new invention, I am looking to sell the licensing for an upfront amount and royalty.

Patent #62658734 is currently patent pending and will need to complete.

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