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System for controlling the diet and watching the health of animals
[Category : - PET PRODUCTS]
[Viewed 1364 times]
System for controlling the diet and watching the health of animals, through the monitoring of the effective food consumption of the animal, comprising a dispenser and monitoring device, a server and a method to determine the amount of food ingested by the animal and determine if this amount is anomalous or not by comparison of the consumption during the last period with the one in the historic database. The device includes: a tank to store the food with an outlet in the lower part; a mobile element driven by a motor which, when rotated, allows a known quantity of food to pass through and is led to a plate suitable for the animal to eat food, placed on a load cell; wherein a microprocessor drives the motor and receives the weight measurement of the load cell; and a communication system connects the microprocessor with the external server.
Problem solved:
Animals and pets in particular, have regular eating and drinking behaviors. However, diseases and other problems affect seriously these behaviors. Petpresso system detects irregular behaviors and provides alerts to animal’s owners, in order to check with the vet on time.
Benefits from other technologies:
Today, there are many smart feeders providing a programmed diet. However, Petpresso is the first that monitors the real consumption of food and water and creates drinking and eating patterns, and alerts in case that the patterns are not fulfilled.
Financial informationWe are looking for an outright sale; however, a license with royallties could be assesed.
Patent status
Petpresso has registered the invention under the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office on 2nd of August 2017; with the reference number 201700689 and Title “System for controlling the diet and watching the health of animals”.
The patent is pending, but it has been received a positive Report of the State of the Art from the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office on 26 of January 2018.
It is expected to extend the patent priority to WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) through PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty) before the 1st of August 2018.
Patent publications:No published informationAsk the inventor for a copy of the filed application
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