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beauty skin cream - Guzellik cilt Kremi
[Category : - Beauty, clothes & personal articles]
[Viewed 1047 times]
Benefits :
1. Scars
2. Acnes
3. Black dot
4. Spotlight
5. For all skin wrinkles
6. Celluloids in your body
7. Prevents sagging problems especially for breasts.
8. To the goose feet around the eyes (for wrinkles)
9. It can cure the eye bags and purple eyes
10. Helps prevent the aging of all your skin.
11. It helps you to repair your aging skin and rejuvenate it.
12. Prevents your skin from aging on young skin.
13. Make natural botox to skin
14. Make 2 or 3 tons of color of your skin
15. Give vitality to skin
16. Provide toxin to your skin
17. Provide blood circulation to your skin.
18. Provide your skin to be like baby skin
19. Protect from external factors.
20. Peeling on your skin
Patent publications:No publication
Asking price:
1,000,000 USD
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