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Core Plus - Full body training
[Category : - Fitness]
[Viewed 1275 times]
An exercise device for developing strength, balance coordination and flexibility of the arms, legs, back, abdominal and stabilizer muscles of the user. The exercise device includes a large, spherically-shaped, resilient exercise ball having a flat planar base insert with a set of elastic resistance members to perform various resistance training exercises.rnAn unstable training environment provides strength training allowing the user to enhances athletic performance by developing stability, balance through development of core and extremity muscles. The use of the exercise device requires trunk and extremity muscles to work in both concentric (muscle shortening for force generation) and eccentric ( muscle lengthening for force generation) activation patterns. It provides a total body workout to the user that is adjustable to the user's level of fitness. It can be use by fitness professionals, physical therapy or home use. It is a versatile, portable, all-in-one exercise device.
Financial informationThis patent include 2 patents for the same product, US patent and Chinese Patent.
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