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Cigarette case
[Category : - Construction Processes & Equipment- Camping and Outdoors - Fishing and hunting]
[Viewed 1345 times]
This invention relates to improvements in cigarette cases and it consists in the combinations, instructions and Arrangements herein described and claimed.
An object of this invention is to provide a novel cigarette case which made be conveniently carried and which is adapted for being operated by a single hand of the user for removing the cigarettes therefrom.
A further object of this invention is to provide a novel cigarette case in which only a few of the cigarettes contained therein will be exposed when the case is opened for removing the cigarettes therefrom.
A further object is to provide a cigarette case having only a small opening therein and whereby the cigarettes may be removed therefrom but which opening is so arranged that the cigarettes may be conveniently removed.
A further object is to provide a cigarette case having an opening therein and whereby the cigarettes may be removed from the case and being further provided with a self-closing door normally positioned for closing the opening.
A further object is to provide a cigarette case having a small opening therein whereby the cigarettes may be removed from the case and a door for normally closing the opening said cigarette case being further provided which means whereby the cigarettes disposed within the case may be moved from the opening when the door is in it's closed position.
Other objects and advantages will appear in the following specification and the novel features of the invention will be particularly pointed out.
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