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Elelctric generator with translational displacement
[Viewed 1392 times]
Electric generator with translational displacement
These generators for power generation use forces from abroad acting on the generator shift mechanism which translates. This generator can be placed on the wheel, cylinder, tile, and belt (belt) moving. Can be used in small systems and large systems. On small systems can be used in cars, trucks, trains, bicycles etc. In large systems can be used for the construction of power stations, railways, seas, river running lengths, etc. This generator in small system uses the weight of vehicles acting on the ground during movement, and the air resistance that acts on the body of the car during movement to produce electricity. This energy that is produced by these generators mounted on the wheel and on the body of the vehicle can be reserved on the vehicle battery and used for the needs of the vehicle. This energy that is produced by these generators saves energy in battery of the electrical vehicle, and do not need to recharge battery for long time. Positive sides easy implementation in practiceis, wide range of applications, it is not costly to produce, it is zero polluting the environment, the price can be brought to ± 20% of generators that work rotational. We are interested in selling this patent or developing it as a business partnership product.This invention is patented in Albania at the national stage with number AL/P/2016/296, and the of patented in the European continent with number EP3270494A1.
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