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toaster innovation
[Category : - Cooking]
[Viewed 1157 times]
The chute toaster is quieter, economical, cooks bread more evenly, and more importantly doesn’t burn consumers fingers. I estimate that no one would buy traditional toasters again if it was advertised to a broad audience. No one likes burning their fingers on toast. The toaster industry makes 16 million in sales annually. I estimate the profit is around 4 million and that’s just consumers buying toasters. So with this upgrade no one would buy average toasters meaning that 4 million would be in your pocket. I anticipate sales would double in the first year because more people would purchase simply because they are burning their fingers. No one will want their old toaster so I estimate 8 million in profit if it’s done correctly in the first year. This patent is broad, So there is several different ways to market it. This is a provisional patent right now, so it is completely confidential the competitors will have no idea what’s coming I am open to offers of any price. I also would consider a low offer with royalties because I am confident Consumers will purchase this product.
Patent publications:No publication
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