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Reagent dispenser head
[Category : - OTHER]
[Viewed 1092 times]
The reagent dispenser head has a piezoelectric actuator supported by a back plate, a front plate having a conical well and a fluid inlet connected by a shallow channel, and a thin, impermeable membrane disposed between the piezoelectric actuator and the well. The well has a window defined therein opening on a nozzle plate having an array of orifices which are arranged to define a predetermined image or pattern. The dispenser head is supplied with a reagent or other liquid through the fluid inlet, the fluid feeding into the well through the channel. A control system is connected to the piezoelectric actuator to provide an electrical pulse or trigger which causes the piezoelectric actuator to bend or deform, contracting the depth of the well and ejecting drops of reagent through all the orifices simultaneously, coating a substrate with reagent in the image pattern.
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