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Better authentication & data protection for IoT devices
[Category : - SOFTWARES- Computers and computer accessories - Telecommunications]
[Viewed 1608 times]
With this invention, low cost IoT devices can have better authentication and security while playing well with existing shared key infrastructure.
A private encryption key is generated by guessing a small group of numbers out of a larger group making the odds long enough to resist current and future attacks.
Symmetric key encryption can be used with this method to simplify authentication of limited resources devices and increase the level of data protection using current state-of-the-art techniques. Low overhead and quick algorithm works well for IoT type communication. Features like "Continuous Authentication" are now practical for sensors and actuators.
Granted US patent 9,806,888 titled "System and method for data protection using dynamic tokens" details methods used to protect RF connected devices.
Shared key, Private keys, Encryption, Authentication, Security, Encryption keys, AES keys, Cryptography, Shared secret, wireless security, edge device, hardware security module, symmetric keys, secure zone, secure boot, edge device, data protection, sensors, actuators
Financial informationNumber of IoT devices in the year 2025 forecast is 50 billions. A percentage of these devices can have better data security and authentication if US 9,806,888 methods are used.
One example of a device that can benefit from better security is a smart card. This type of device is short on resources and yet, the security level desired is high. US 9.806.888 elevates the resulted security level without increasing the cost or reducing the performance of this device.
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