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[Category : - Agriculture]
[Viewed 1406 times]

The Deresinator cleans cannabis trimming shears/scissors in seconds, saving time and unnecessary effort.
Trimming cannabis can build up a very sticky and burdensome resin residue on scissor blades rendering them practically useless within a matter of minutes.
The current method to clean them is to soak the scissors in a cleaning solution for long periods of time, then manually scrubbing the blades. It is messy, time consuming and allows for potentially hazardous solvent to be in open containers all over the workplace.
The Deresinator will clean trimming scissors faster and easier than current methods and also holds solvent in an enclosed space.
It is compact, light weight and portable.
It will save both time and money.
See Link for more information and video.

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There are currently 3 patents on the Deresinator in the US and Canada. The patents have been appraised by IP Approach Patent Brokerage in May, 2020 for a combined total of $770,762. We are seeking less than half that amount.
We currently have 3 working prototypes and the Deresinator is poised for mass production. Unfortunately, due to health and financial reasons we cannot take this project any further.
Cannabis is now legal in either medical and/or recreational form in 37 states and Canada. It is poised to become legal in the entire US soon.
The Deresinator will save cannabis processors and growers an enormous amount of time and money. It is an industry that will only continue to grow.

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