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Trusted caller

[Category : - SOFTWARES]
[Viewed 1375 times]

the main core idea is to protect the consumers from unknown companies/people calling them and giving their payment information out to strangers. They will get the companies small vital contact information popped out to them if they have installed the app and will have a choice to pick the call or not too. They can block the calls to unknown numbers/ callers from whom no information is generated or request for an information about them..For the companies calling and using this app ,they will get the information about the individuals they are calling like a pre credit check. For this you need to have a tie up with banks,financial people who will get credit precheck people information for you. You then need to get this information uploaded so that it can be used on your app. Your earnings will be the services that you are providing. You can charge companies for getting precheck information for a particular member if he/she is not there on your database/vice versa. For Crypto currency projects you need to have servers which are located either far away in remote places,may be away from usa. Places like india or asia ,canada etc wherever you are less know and you can hire cheap and yet effective labour. You need to have a OTP code generated which can be generated on the app itself. The companies caller will generate OTP code from the app and give the caller to feed in the app or he can just dial the code on the call itself, the app will give the complete information about the company now. This can be also be done for automatic mode.The buyer will now be convinced that it is a correct caller and will proceed with the call.

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