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[Category : - DESIGN PATENTS]
[Viewed 1547 times]
The moving industry has seen an increase in damage claims due to the current traditional wood crating system. This crating system is archaic and no longer environmentally savvy; Aalaniel Crating Systems, Inc. is introducing an alternative to the wood crates with the new innovative polymer plastic crate, in a snap together system, mimicking the traditional wood crate construction without the damages to personal property.
Aalaniel Crating systems experienced a need for a renewable, reusable, crating system to replace the crating systems that have not changed since the beginning of shipping and crating needs. This innovative product has the traditional crating methodology, using a reusable industrial strength polymer plastic. Because of Aalaniel’s crating systems strength and durability, it is predicted to have a minimum 50-use lifecycle. The engineering on Aalaniel’s crating mimics wood crating with an easy to assemble snap system with minimal learning curve. The users of the crating system can assemble on site with basic instructions.
Aalaniel Crating Systems will impact the industry by changing the paradigm of the moving industry in two substantial ways. First, the traditional wood crating system is archaic and is no longer environmentally savvy. It is estimated that wood consumed in the existing crating system will exceed the average board feet harvested in 2.5 trees in a 50-use lifecycle of an Aalaniel crate. Secondly, the paradigm shift of turning a cost into revenue will shift many other environmentally savvy products on the market today, by changing the methodology on how the product is utilized and revenue is built will shift the industry.
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