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Digital wall calendar
[Viewed 3378 times]
Each year when January 1st arrives, consumers must switch to new calendars. Good family members and friends spend time transferring all the important
dates for birthdays, anniversaries, and other important occasions, so they will not forget to stay in touch with loved ones on their special days. New
calendars are given by companies seeking our business or purchased from drugstores or stationary stores. We choose one with pretty pictures, cute animals,
or inspirational messages to decorate our walls and to lift our spirits when we look at them.
This calendar eliminates the task of transferring important dates and allows consumers to personalize the pictures incorporated in their calendars. I feel
a sense of pride in this product and I believe it deserves to be exposed to the public for its wonderful benefits to others.
The unique features of this product will provide the following benefits for all consumers:
* A calendar that can be personalized using favorite photos with all important dates.
* A digital calendar that will automatically display the correct days and dates as each year changes to the new one.
* Will automatically transfer and display important annual events like birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays without having to upload manually.
* Personal pictures can be uploaded and displayed in the top half of the screen.
* The pictures can be changed changed, displayed singularly, or run as a slideshow.
* Onetime meetings and appointments, regularly occurring meetings, and alerts can also be programmed so the user will not forget any important engagements.
* This has the option of battery power with a plug-in attachment or solar charger to truly make the calendar last forever.
* It can be compatible with Microsoft Office to import important dates and appointments from work.
The base unit is about the same size as conventional wall calendars that have a picture on the top half and the days and dates for the month on the bottom half,
measuring approximately 12" by 18". This is a digital calendar, and the entire front is a touch screen. Photos that the user has uploaded will be displayed on
the top half of the screen while the current month's days and dates will be displayed on the lower half. There is a menu option on the side as well as additional
options on the touch screen. The memory is ample to hold the importantdates as well as alerts to remind the user of upcoming events. The photos can be changed to
reflect the seasons or the pictures of the friends and family who may be celebrating birthdays that month, and the image slider interface allows pictures to be
displayed singularly or as a running slide show.
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