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The Scan note book plus portable printer

[Category : - Advertising methods]
[Viewed 1250 times]

It is a note book that field reps use. with a turning screen. It comes equipped with a scanner underneath the screen and above the plastic enclosure. It fits perfectly enabling the user to scan important papers. It eliminates the user from carrying a portable scanner. It also come with a nano technology printer the size of a plastic paper clip paper holder holding about 10 -20 pages fitting in the enclosure. This way when the user needs to pint he pulls out the plastic clip lays the notebook on top and connects via usb. It eliminates the need to carry a portable printer. It makes every task accessible for the field rep. Great for Hp or dell or any other computer manufacturer.

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The price should be with in the $800 to $1400 range and from 50,000 to 100,000 users would benefit from it just counting the pharmaceuticals. The other still remain like field techs, mangers and other office employees.

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