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All 880 Solutions of 4X4 MAGIC SQUARE (Manual Making)

[Category : - SOFTWARES]
[Viewed 1512 times]

4X4 MAGIC SQUARE means a SQURE with 4 rows and 4 columns- each cell having nos. from 1 to 16, such that SUM of all nos. in any ROW, any COLUMN, any Diagonal is same. This SUM is 34.
Some People have found all the 880 Possible Solutions of this, by using their OWN Softwares.. By seeing those solutions, we can not judge:- (1) If no solution is repeatetive in nature., (2) If there are exactly 880 Solutions
I have invented a method by which , not only these 2 things can be judged, BUT can be made all these Solutions very systematically and using no Software., Definitely, as my method is Making all these 880 solutions, MANUALLY, this method is lengthy and time taking., YET making all these 880 solutions manually.- is of innovative Nature and is a ITEM worth keeping in own NAME.
If you are interested or have any query, then you may please contact me at my E Mail--- [Use the button below to contact me]

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