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Transmitting secure data in morse code encryption for Bitcoin/IoT

[Category : - SOFTWARES]
[Viewed 1448 times]

Hiver communications designs mobile software applications. That allow users communicate free of charge,securely and in privacy. With the capability to transmit data anywhere in the world. The problem or challenge this innovation solves is unbeatable security. System cannot be hacked, Isn't affected with international expensive roaming charges on sim card devices. Government censorship due to political tension doesn't affect communication of technology. It outguns the competition of messaging and payment apps,by not requiring an internet/data connection. Doesn't require SMS either. It's unhackable and cannot be blocked by governments. There is a provisional application filed in the U.S. for the software. Have received numerous offers from different companies,but they will not make good use of the technology. Infact this interested buyers will abuse the technology. Looking for a buyer interested in changing the world and making people lives better.

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