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[Category : - SOFTWARES]
[Viewed 1238 times]

A method for extracting the most representative segments of a musical composition, represented by an audio signal, according to which the audio signal is preprocessed by a set of preprocessors, each if which is adapted to identify a rhythmic pattern. The output of the preprocessors that provided the most periodic or rhythmical patterns in the musical composition selected and the musical composition is divided into bars with rhythmic patterns, while iteratively checking and scoring their quality and detecting a section that is a sequence of bars with score above a predetermined threshold. Checking and scoring is iteratively repeated until all sections are detected. Then similarity matrices between all bars that belong to the musical composition are constructed, based on MFCCs of the processed sound, chromograms and the rhythmic patterns. Then equivalent classes of similar sections are extracted along the musical composition. Substantial transitions between sections represented as blocks in the similarity matrices are collected and a representative segment is selected from each class with the highest number of sections.

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