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Tomato Cradle

[Category : - DESIGN PATENTS- Lawn and Garden]
[Viewed 1747 times]

The Tomato Cradle is a tomato & vegetable plant support that functions much like tomato cages sold throughout the U.S. There are many advantages my product has over cages!First of all they are much more durable!Will not bend,tip,or cut vines like wire cages.They have stood up to strong winds.They are affordable & very easy to use plus most important,can be used for years.Simply clean fold up and store until next season.I have already sold well over a thousand just out of my home in my area alone.My problem is shipping costs when I have outstate customers.They cannot afford shipping.I have looked at several seed catalogs,been to many gardening centers & No One sells anything like this!I have been in sales for 6 years & all my customers say they will never go back to cages again!Must be doing something right?Please check out my website Link you.

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I would be interested in a licensing agreement with a very fair royalty agreement but would consider other options.I have not sold or marketed my product to anyone.I feel the market potential is very strong because there is very limited options for consumers to choose from.They can be made with little cost.I feel more & more people are willing to grow their own vegetables & this would be a good choice to help them succeed! I currently do not have a trademark only my website, have no specific conditions for the sale other than if I could still sell to my loyal customers in my area.

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