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Online Gradual Price Reduction Patent – Goods & Services
[Category : - SOFTWARES- OTHER- Advertising methods]
[Viewed 1695 times]
The patent - which makes auction obsolete, is based on Tsiyoni’s Gradual Price Reduction™ mathematical Formula
The new patent-method-process will enable many companies, such as Wal-Mart, Kmart, JCPenney, Amazon, Sears and Best Buy to brilliantly complement the existing price marketing models.
A new online method, process and concept enables users to post goods and services for sale at the maximum price, which thereafter is gradually reduced to a minimum, pre-selected price, based on pre-programmed methods and programs, according to a pre-selected schedule of price reduction, based on frequencies and sequences of amounts of time, money and percentage, respectively.
After posting an item, at every certain amounts of pre-selected times, the maximum price is reduced by certain amount of money, or percentage, respectively to the maximum price initially posted, up to the minimum price. The gradual reduction during the duration of the sale enables a prospective buyer to `grab` (purchase) the item by placing an offer at any given time, for the posted price at that time, thereby instantly purchasing the product or service, ending the sale, and starting a new sale.
●A better method than all online stores such as Amazon, Wal-Mart
●Eliminates auctions 3-10 days waiting, and offer updates
●A new, exciting, revolutionized method of online sales
●The price is gradually reduced during the duration of the posting
●The seller does not have to keep updating the posted offer
●Trade is completed when the buyer ‘grabs’ the product or service
●The sale begins a new posting
●Successfully resolve the disadvantages of other auction methods such as: General
Auctions, Low Price Internet Shopping; “Buy It Now”, Buyer’s Price, Two-Phase Process
and Reverse Auction.
Patent publications:No publication
Asking price:
Above 1 million USD
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