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Impossible to Crack Password Encryption
[Category : - Indentification and payment methods]
[Viewed 1329 times]
This invention uses the fact that well chosen captcha images cannot be deciphered using current software implementations. It goes beyond that however.
The actors at play are the server, the network, the client and the interceptor.
We would like a system where a client is able to logon to a server on the network without fear or chance of the interceptor getting the information. The preferred method of protecting such a system is to encrypt the password.
My system over simplified sends a different password over the network to the client at each logon attempt. Then the client logs on, essentially sending it back.
There is allot of security in the elaborate version (as well as point fullness) and I will now begin to explain it.
A simple overveiw would be that a new alphabet is created with letters with novel shapes. A captcha image with these characters is sent over the network. This is both software unreadable and human unreadable. a modified OCR Software on the clients machine will know the rules for identifying those characters on the image , reading them and translating them to english. This is then handed to the client to input in the password field.
The ocr would be programmed to understand the alphabet and the rules fro translating to english and have been exchanged once at a previous date.
This would be helpful for systems that were setup once earlier on for multiple logons later on.
to increase security a new language could be invented that the new alphabet describes, then the OCR follows the instructions of thsi captcha image to calculate the password.
Patent publications:No publication
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