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Herbal mosquito repellent incense stick and coil and preparing it.
[Category : - HEALTH]
[Viewed 1258 times]
Herbal mosquito repellent incense sticks and coils derived from the ancient herbs. Best alternative as a mosquito repellent against all the harmful chemical products. Best suitable for children patients infants and all . Has a sweet smeel of herbs . Can be used for deep meditation. 100% eco-friendly and pollution free product against today's fast growing modern pollution causing technologies. It is the one and only patent in the world with unique nature and no use of any modern technologies. Mother nature is the provider of such a product. Our country is famous for the ayurvedic products and this is one of them. The only product which can be used in hospitals and nursing homes. On the business point of view whoever takes up this patent will have the scope to earn in billions for its unique nature.
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Asking price:
Above 1 million USD
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