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Anti osteoporosis medicine

[Category : - HEALTH]
[Viewed 1216 times]

In 2015 in St. Petersburg on the basis of the Federal Almazov North-West Medical Research Centre, one of the leading Russian scientific medical institutions, a medicine based on Succinic acid disodium salt for osteoporosis treatment was developed and registered in the Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property as “Anti osteoporosis medicine”. In 2016 the medicine was modified and registered as a biologically active additive (BAA).

 prevention and treatment of senile and postmenopausal osteoporosis
 effective treat, prevent, or reduce the risk or incidence of bone loss or skeletal-related events (such as bone fractures)

! the newly developed medicine efficiency is achieved by avoiding traditional ways of overloading organism with calcium and high bone mineral density

 usage of natural counterparts of Succinic acid conformers in form of Са, Мg и Fe salts that result in assimilation of macro- and microelements in the bones, biotransformation of the vitamin D3 and its accessibility in the organism
 technology of synthesis of the natural counterparts of Succinic acid conformers on the basis of 2 patents

High effectiveness:
ions of Succinic acid provide:
- delivery and inclusion of macro- and microelements, vitamin D in the bone metabolism
- biotransformation of the vitamin D to active forms
- increase of the organic compound (collagen!) in the bones

No side-effects:
- overloading organism with calcium is excluded
- bones fragility is reduced

The medicine is truly innovative in terms of osteoporosis treatment: it contains Succinic acid conformers which spectrum is close to the natural analogues extracted from succinite and have substrate, signal and transport features.

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