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Computer Phone
[Category : - Telecommunications]
[Viewed 1215 times]
The Computer Phone consist of two (2) separate items:
1) Smartphone
2) Flash Drive Port
The main purpose of the Computer Phone is to provide consumers with a phone which facilitates transferring of data to and/or from a computer. Individuals often carry multiple devices including smartphones, tablets, laptops and Mp3 players along with the respective hardware and accessories such as USB cables, chargers and the like for transferring of data and information when required, which can be cumbersome. Futhermore, internet connection is not always availableat all locations, makig it diffcult to transfer the information via WiFi, leaving consumers struggling with different devices and facing problems in accessing data from their preferred source. Practical, ingenious and useful, the Computer Phone is comprised of a product that is similar in design to conventional smartphones, but with the addition of a flash drive port. The innovative product is sleek and compact, and also functions as an independent storage device with a capacity to suit the user's requirement, in addition to standard smartphone operations.
Financial informationIm looking for a license deal with royalties. But if the price is right I will consider an outright sale.
The Computer Phone appears to have a large market size for a product of this type with a broad national market. The most advantageous market would be domestic. Foreign markets can be tested for acceptance and regulation with caution and careful due diligence.
Patent publications:No publication
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