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Hygienic commode for ladies with reverse sitting
[Category : - Bathroom]
[Viewed 1234 times]
A commode chair with reversed seat facing a water tank and with a system for opening the labia of female user for hygienic urination and excretion is provided. The seat assembly including bowl, seat, and lid are formed to support a user to sit on a commode facing the water tank. The seating assembly has a narrow width to the direction of a water tank and has wider width on the opposite side. An overview of the seating assembly has a shape of an oval facing the water tank with the sharp end, a bicycle saddle shape, facing the water tank. The side view of the seating assembly shows elevated part that is close to the water tank. The water tank is leaned backwards in relation to the commode to allow a user to rest her upper body thereon.; This sitting position reduces pressure build up of the lower body of the user around the commode seat and let the labia of the user open for the water from a vidette, located at the wider part of the bowl, to reach the inner side of the labia and clean therein from behind of the user. For defecation, the water tank is adjusted to a more upward position.
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