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Bicycle Mechanism with High Overlapping & DeadCenters Elimination

[Category : - Fitness- Biking- Motors]
[Viewed 2502 times]

SYNISON, a Hellenic (Greek) Laboratory specialized in Pure Mechanical Mechanisms, has developed a Power Transmission Mechanism with many important Applications.

One of these Applications is a really innovative Bicycle Mechanism, called TRISKELION, because in the basic Version of this Mechanism the Cyclist produces a certain Work as if he had THREE LIMBS, feet or hands.

This Mechanism achieves the COMPLETE ELIMINATION of the TOP and the BOTTOM DEAD CENTER when using the pedals, and not a simple shifting of these, as in the case of the use of either the elliptical or the oval or, more generally, of a non-circular sprocket.

The motion of the pedals is always unidirectional and the coupling between them is such that the relative positions between them are always bijectively defined, resulting in zero backlash of the motion between the feet or hands, when reversing the Torque application.

However, the Mechanism also works by using a ratchet to allow rotation of the drive wheel of the Bicycle without the necessity of corresponding motion of the feet or hands, exactly as in the operation of the classic type of Bicycle.

A SIGNIFICANT OVERLAPPING of the PERIODS of WORK PRODUCTION is also achieved in the basic Version of this Mechanism, which overlapping is even greater than sixty percent (in the case of the HEPTASKELION and a setting of the conventionally Active Period to fifty degrees) in racing or other highly aggressive Versions, resulting in that the fluctuation of the Torque which finally moves the Bicycle is drastically reduced or even rendered virtually negligible.

This Mechanism is purely mechanical, with a degree of efficiency that reaches the one hundred percent, however it cooperates ideally with an electric motor, or any other type of engine in general, which assists the motion of the Bicycle, providing several further arrangements for an even higher exploitation of the Work that the Cyclist produces, while in any case and with any composition, the degree of performance of the combination "Cyclist and Bicycle" is significantly increased, when this combination is considered as an integrated Mechanical System.

It is possible to adapt this Mechanism within any existing Bicycle of the classic type (retrofitting), while in the case of the Design from the very beginning of a Bicycle which bears this Mechanism, the result is excellent in terms of functional ergonomics, aesthetic appearance and cost of production, and Versions with Removable Mechanism are also available either for existing or designed from scratch Bicycles, mainly to avoid theft of the Mechanism, but also with some extra advantages.

The Design of this Mechanism is carried out, POINT by POINT, taking into account the particularities of the sex and the age of the Cyclist, but also other factors such as whether the Cyclist is either an amateur or athlete, the use is either transportation or exercise, as well as much more specific personal parameters and even differentiations between the right foot and the left foot or between the right hand and the left hand of the same person.

In this way, Design has as a result the Production of the required Work, by a particular Cyclist, with the MAXIMUM POSSIBLE ERGONOMICS as well as the MINIMUM POSSIBLE STRESS and WEAR of the MUSCLES, the TENDONS and the BONES, of the HIPS, the KNEES and the ANKLES of this Cyclist, providing in this way the best physical condition but also the general health and attitude of this Cyclist, FAR of the existing state in everyday life and sports.

Therefore, a Bicycle bearing this Mechanism can be used, at least to a sufficient degree, by PEOPLE with TEMPORARY or even PERMANENT PROBLEMS in one or both of their limbs, feet or hands, or other parts of their body that are actively involved in Cycling, and also can facilitate the recovery of these individuals in case of temporary problems that have arisen, for example, from injury.

In any case and with any composition, only a few minutes of Cycling are required until the average Cyclist adjusts their behavior to this new Cycling reality, however then the sense of INCREASED POWER as well as COMFORT is excellent, especially in the Versions about the TRISKELION (setting of the conventionally Active Period to one hundred and twenty degrees), and yet extremely ADDICTIVE, for every Cyclist.

This Mechanism is Patent Pending, while more information for it you can find at the website:
which is under construction, or by e-mailing directly to the address:
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Financial information

The sought Partner could be a Manufacturer with significant experience in:
- stamping (pressing) metalworking, or
- metal die casting process, and
- automated metal cutting (CNC metal machining),
who commits himself all the costs of the whole procedure except design and engineering, that means manufacturing, purchasing of necessary spare parts, assembling and packaging for:
- the sole Bicycle Mechanism as a retrofitting kit, and/or
- the whole Bicycle which bears the Bicycle Mechanism.

The sought Partner could be, also, a Manufacturer of Internal Combustion Engines or an Investor or Investing Team, since the POTENTIAL of the Generic Concept behind this Mechanism is literally unlimited for a large range of even other Mechanisms and Machines, for example:
- a 2-cylinder but 4-stroke Engine can operate with a Power Periods overlapping of 12 degrees,
- an Epi-Trochoidal type Engine can operate with the same number of moving parts as Wankel does, but with a unique chamber of combustion of ideal shape, compression ratio with values greater than 1000:1 and complete separation between fuel intake area and exhaust gases area.

Finally, there are other IP items which are not presented in this PCT Application, as well as secret Know-how.

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